Early in 2024 the school website requirements were updated: completely reworded, reformatted and included new requirements schools must adhere to. In October this guide was updated again. The guide was first published in 2014 with amendments being made for the next 10 years, notably the addition of guidance on remote education in early 2021, but May 2024’s changes were the biggest since it was first published.
Having and maintaining a comprehensive, accessible website is incredibly important whatever the type of school: maintained, academies or trusts. The updated guidelines outline new categories of information that schools must publish, as well as including more specific requirements for existing content.
Key areas focused on in the new guide include:
1. Curriculum Information
Detailed information telling visitors what each subject covers across all the year groups in the school must be available, alongside statements on how the curriculum meets national standards.
2. Governance and Financial Reporting
Transparency is key in these two areas. When it comes to governance, details on who is on the governing board, their roles, terms and their specific responsibilities must be published. Financial data that must be published include the financial reports, allocations of pupil premium funding and spending on sports grants.
3. Safeguarding and Inclusion Policies
Another significant update covers safeguarding and inclusion with a bigger emphasis on providing policies on mental health, SEND and accessibility. Students, parents and guardians should easily be able to find documentation that outlines what resources are available to support diverse needs.
4. Performance and Assessment Data
Schools must now display updated exam and performance data more clearly, which helps parents and guardians make informed choices. In case of disruptions to regular teaching methods, schools are expected to include information on remote learning and support available to students.
5. Equality Statement and Anti-Bullying Policies
Anti-bullying measures and equality is having a spotlight shone on it by the government. Schools must now publish a statement on how they discourage discrimination and encourage inclusivity, which is crucial for promoting safe learning environments.
Another high priority in the government guide is the need for user-friendly, accessible websites with easy to find information. Not only should students and parents easily be able to find the information they are looking for, but Ofsted also evaluate a school’s website as part of an inspection and even if a school is considered ‘outstanding’ in every other aspect, the state of the school’s website can affect the final rating.
Having accessible options for the website, including high contrast colours, changeable text size and making sure that accessibility tools like screen readers can completely read your website’s code for a full experience is a must for educational establishments to cover the wide range of users that will visit and use it.

Here at Heckford we prioritise a smooth user experience, making sure your website adheres to accessibility standards and works across all devices. To talk to us about how we can help you rebuild, restructure or redesign your website, contact us on: 01772 884444 or email: hello@heckford-advertising.co.uk